Living a Healthful Life
We emphasize the prevention of disease and relief of suffering through simple lifestyle habits that correspond with the way God created us to live, and at the same time acknowledge the effectiveness of evidence-based therapy when disease has already occurred.
We believe that God is constantly working to heal people on the deepest level, and that His healing power is available to us today, giving us wholeness in our brokenness:
“He [God] is just as willing to heal the sick now as when He was personally on earth. Christ’s servants are His representatives, the channels for His working. He desires through them to exercise His healing power” (Ellen White, The Desire of Ages, p. 823).

The four foundational principles
he four foundational principles which guide our department’s philosophy and work are:
- Inspiration: We believe the Word of God is the very best guide to making wise choices in every area of life and health. Scripture speaks eloquently on a wide variety of health topics and reveals a loving God who wants to give His children life “more abundantly)” (John 10:10). We are also grateful for the amplification of Biblical health principles in the writings of Ellen G. White.
- Evidence: We operate under the conviction that God is the author of all true science. Therefore, we respect evidence-based health science which stands up to the rigors of careful examination and analysis according to accepted scientific principles. We believe this is vital in a world filled with misinformation and falsehood.
- Balance: Because we are wholistic beings, a balanced approach in life is essential to health. This involves avoiding harmful practices and using wisely and carefully even the best things in life. Even good things can be taken to excess. Therefore, we are deeply committed to physical, mental, social, and spiritual balance to support health, happiness, and healing.
- Relationships: Social and spiritual support are essential to health and human flourishing. Cultivating positive relationships with God, family members, friends, and community members will play a significant role in our personal health, productivity, and ability to help others.
In summary, we want to be used by God to share His healing love with others. Jesus put it best when He said: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)