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By Pastor Martin Perez

April 29, 2023

Colossians 3:23-24 And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ. 
I walked into the sanctuary this past Tuesday morning and I was gently enveloped by a calming fresh scent that drifted through the airy space. As I looked around, I could see the pews seemed to shine with a heavenly glow. I was moved by how the space sparkled with a radiance fitting for the house of the Lord. Was I walking in a dream? Not quite, but It was so pleasing and uplifting I could imagine the Lord inhabiting the space as in the days of the Tabernacle! The moment scribed itself in my memory and sent chills down my spine.  

How, you may ask, did this state of heavenly cleanliness come about? Well, it came about because a few brave souls came out for our annual CPC Work Bee. These members dared to roll up their sleeves and offer to the Lord a sweet smelling aroma with their selfless sacrifice of time, sweat, and no doubt some tears–those mounds of dirt out front were formidable. 

These brothers and sisters, with all the love their hearts could give, raked, shovelled, scraped, scrubbed, polished, hammered, vacuumed, sprayed, swept, and mopped until the work was done! 

The pastoral staff walked away from the experience truly inspired by how much our membership loves their church. We’re humbled by the generous self-sacrificing spirit. We are encouraged by their willingness to put to practice Colossians 3:23-24. The spirit of service to the Lord was exemplified and we are truly grateful.  

To the unsung heroes who came out this past Sunday we appreciate you, we love you, and on behalf of our whole congregation, we thank you! Your loving service to the Lord is a blessing to our whole community. Thank you!